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Is “much needed re-write” in the room with us right now?

Quick recap

Some years ago, I applied for a junior Android developer position. When I arrived for the interview, I was told that there was a more pressing front-end vacancy to interview for. Little did I know, I said “Yeah, sure” and this is how my JavaScript journey began.

This led me to work in both startups and software agencies, building and maintaining complex applications. I’ve worked with a bunch of talented people, and I’ve learned a lot from them.

Fast-forward to today, and you can find me writing React, TypeScript, Next.js, Remix, and a little bit of Rails. I’m also interested in Elixir & Phoenix which has given me a newfound enthusiasm for coding.

Lastly, this website has been my playground for as long as I’ve worked. It’s been a place where I can experiment with new/odd technologies and write the occasional blog post. It has seen countless refactors and redesigns. It’s the best investment I’ve ever made.

Here are some things I’ve come to realize:

  • Give demos, send GIFs, and record videos. Show your work early, and often.
  • Give it 5 minutes. Don’t shoot down ideas immediately, let them simmer.
  • Your throwaway prototype will almost always hit production. Plan accordingly.
  • Ship and iterate, ship and iterate, ship and iterate.
  • There are no stupid questions. It’s stupid not to ask.
  • Your user is you at 10PM: tired, frustrated, and out of patience. Build for that person.
  • You don’t get X years of experience by repeating the same year X times. Learn something new.
  • The best technical solution isn’t always the right business solution.

Presently, I’m spending my time on: