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Code Snippets

If I feel that a bite-sized snippet can be useful to someone else, I jot it down. Feel free to use them in your projects, and contact me if something is wrong.

Playing a sound with the Web Audio API

A React hook to play a sound when a timer ends
TypeScriptReactWeb Audio API

Authorization module in Elixir

A naive authorization module that works for me at the moment

Auto-hide Phoenix flash messages

Enhancing the core Flash component with a simple JavaScript hook

Using Basic Auth middleware with Next.js

Simple, drop-in middleware for adding basic auth to your Next.js app

Using Basic Auth with Remix

No need to pay for a simple password-protected website, use the platform

Generating a base64 blurred placeholder image

The utility I was for my blog post placeholder images
TypeScriptImage Processing

Domain Model with Zod & FP-TS

Simple domain model with Zod and FP-TS for a User entity

FP-TS partition

Partitioning an array of users based on a predicate using FP-TS

FP-TS ReaderTaskEither

Using ReaderTaskEither to interact with a database in FP-TS

Nominal types

Using nominal types to create type-safe identifiers

Rate Limiter Service in Elixir

Custom rate limiter service using ETS and GenServer


A simple TypeScript hook for copying text to the clipboard with a timeout
ReactReact Hooks


A simple TypeScript hook for debouncing a value with a timeout
ReactReact Hooks


Detecting online/offline status using React Hooks
ReactReact Hooks


A simple TypeScript hook for subscribing to a BehaviorSubject with React Hooks
ReactReact Hooks


The utility I use to get the previous value of a prop
ReactReact Hooks