Over the past decade, I felt the need to write down a few things about working with code. I hope you find something useful here.
Books I read in 2024
My annual list of books read.
Elixir: Import, Require, Use or Alias?
Clarifying the difference between different directives in Elixir.
The full-stack framework discourse
JavaScript, Laravel, Rails, influencers & you
My impressions of Effect-TS
Working with Effect-TS, a powerful library for building applications in TypeScript
Books I read in 2023
The list you've been waiting for
Books I read in 2022
Some notes on the 13 books I read in 2022
Rewriting my blog with Next.js
How I moved this website from Gatsby to Next.js
Using RxJS with React
Co-locating business logic in React with RxJS
Improving component's re-render performance
Making components re-render faster by pre-computing our data
How I interview people
And how I want to be interviewed
Modern PHP
While I wasn’t paying attention, PHP got quite good
Nominal types in TypeScript
Improving our type-safety with fine-grained types
Crypto & the fear of missing out
You can go on without me
The state of this blog
Some history and thoughts on a possible migration
When not to use React Query
Or when component level fetching becomes problematic
Working remotely
Reflecting on remote work, the good and the bad things
All company chat should be in public
How to make remote work a lot better, with a bit of an effort
Ditching manual releases with Changesets
Hassle free versioning & changelog management with Changesets
How I load my web fonts in Gatsby
Preloading self-hosted web fonts, for greater performance
Working with images in Gatsby
Utilizing the latest, more flexible, and straightforward API
What is a Front-end Developer anyway?
JavaScript has shaken things up and we refuse to acknowledge it
Separating server cache & application state with React Query
UI state, ephemeral data & React Query
When to use optimistic updates in your application
Reduce the number of spinners in your application by utilizing optimistic updates
Following the hype in web development
The new things, the right things, and developer entertainment
My quest for digital minimalism II
Taking proper action against distractions & procrastination
When to quit & when to stick
My takeaways after reading 'The Dip' by Seth Godin
Avoiding props drilling with Context
Sensible state management with Context & Hooks
Setting up Pi-hole
Blocking all ads in my local network
The impostor syndrome
The irrational fear of being exposed as a fraud
My quest for digital minimalism
Decluttering my digital life from all the nonsense