Remember, if you don’t use these tools, you’re not a real developer.
- #ReactI own my career to React, so yeah. Unless something major happens I’m loyal. I quite like React server components, and even though I was sceptical at first, I’m happy with the direction React is taking.
- #TypeScriptI prefer typed languages, and I can’t imagine writing a large JavaScript codebase without it. For all it’s faults, it still blows my mind how much it improves the developer experience.
- #Next.jsI’m using Next.js for this blog, and I’m relatively happy with it. I've changed my opinion about using Next.js for applications, but I wouldn’t mind using Next.js for content/marketing sites.
- #Remix / RRI find Remix / RR more to my liking than Next.js for applications. It feels more flexible, straightforward, and I rarely have to consult the docs.
- #ElixirElixir is such a beautiful and elegant language; I have definitely improved as a developer by learning it. I’m using it for side projects and I’m loving it. Even if it doesn’t have static typing, I find pattern matching to be a killer feature that makes up for it
- #PhoenixI think Phoenix has found the perfect balance between being a batteries-included framework and giving flexibility to the developer. Not overwhelming, but not lacking sensible defaults either. LiveView is a joy to work with, Ecto is a fantastic ORM, and docs are very good.
- #Tailwind CSSI've tried everything and this is the true way for me. I remember the days when I was writing CSS for a large fast-food chain website and it was a nightmare.
- #ZedI’m using Zed as my primary editor. I’m also keeping an eye on Helix which is what I wished NeoVim to be.
- #GhosttyI don’t want much from my terminal; be fast and don’t bug me all the time. That’s it. I’ve tried various emulators, but I’m bored of the constant configuration.
- #Apple NotesI used to use Bear notes, but I can’t stand having another subscription, no matter how small the price. I want one-time purchases and paid upgrades. I’m using Apple Notes now, and I’m happy with it.
- #NetlifyI host all my static websites on Netlify. I have no reason to switch, and they have great support for Next.js which my site is built with.
- #Fly.ioI host my Elixir app and database on So far I have no complaints.
- #ClaudeI like Claude. It helps me greatly with some chore tasks.